Sunday, 17 June 2012

Busy body

I've spent the weekend pouring of the "preliminary" Schedule of Materials and Finishes - which consists of 17 pages worth of stuff. We're slowly, slowly getting there. I'm hoping that by the end of the month we should have a pretty concise package together so we can get some cost estimates prepared (just to check that we are still on budget.)

Last night I received the Structural Condition Survey from the engineer (this guy must work around the clock).  His work is very timely and very thorough and I would definitely recommend him. Must say there we no surprises here. Yes, I knew there were some areas of decay - the house is pre-1946, and does need some maintenance, but there was certainly no structural degradation. Big sigh of relief - phew.

1 comment:

  1. 17 pages! holy moly! That's a bit of light reading before bed. Does make me realize how many decisions we are making over at Betsy's.
