Monday 14 May 2012

Kids Bedrooms

We've decided that each boy will have their own bedroom. We seem to be having our fair share of bedtime antics of late, so it's best that they are separated. I never imagined that I would need a five bedroom house! Anyway, the plan is that the extension will incorporate a children's wing - 4 bedrooms and an amenities block. At the end of this wing, there will be direct access to the backyard, so the kids don't need to run through the house to play outside in the yard. I'm hoping to contain the noise and mess to one part of the house. Oh, let me dream!

As the overall idea was to keep the house as small as practicable (we are on a small lot) the rooms won't be large, so a lot of thought will go into efficient storage solutions. Hoping to have the final floorplans available soon.


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